Jon Maynard FRICS, a chartered land surveyor, started a practice in the year 2000 to offer services in the fields of Boundary Demarcation and Disputes and of both public and private Rights of Way. The practice became incorporated as Jon Maynard Boundaries Ltd in 2003.
Recognising the very specialist nature of this work, Jon Maynard Boundaries Ltd accepts instructions from clients from throughout England and Wales, and from Scotland too.
Jon Maynard Boundaries Ltd offers impartial professional advice to assist in the understanding and resolution of issues relating to:
- the precise positions of property boundaries
- the location and extent of a private or public right of way
Such consultancy may include an investigation of the history of the boundary or of the right of way by reference to historic title deeds, maps, aerial photographs and any historical documents which the client possesses or to which the client has access.
We have expertise in:
- land measurement and drawing accurate large scales plans
- interpreting aerial photographs
- the specifications for published large scales (principally Ordnance Survey) maps
- the analysis of map-based and text-based records against accurate large scales plans
The outputs of consultancy may take various forms, including:
- an accurate large scale plan, either to illustrate a report or to support an application to Land Registry to determine of the exact line of a boundary,
- verbal advice given on site to the client, or to the client and the neighbouring landowner, in relation to a boundary and/or a right of way
- a professional opinion (i.e. a written report) that may be used by a client as the basis for a decision on future action,
- the giving of evidence, orally, in a civil court,
- the marking out on the ground of a boundary whose position has been decided by negotiated settlement or by a decision of the court.
Jon Maynard has established a reputation for excellence in preparing expert witness reports, based on
- collecting and recording all of the relevant evidence,
- thoroughly investigating and assessing the facts and allegations,
- independently deriving sound, well-reasoned opinions,
- writing well structured, readable reports supported with clear illustrations and plans
- giving evidence impartially in court
Area of operation
Jon Maynard Boundaries has worked in many parts of England and Wales, and also in Scotland. The areas in which we have serviced clients during the period 2001 to 2013 is shown in the map below: the darker the tinting of a county, the more clients we have there.

To see Jon Maynard's curriculum vitae go to
CV for Jon Maynard FRICS
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